After the following sequel on the film ‘Zombies’ which aired on 14th February 2020, the Disney Channel proclaimed a brand new series of animated shorts which is based on the original movie franchise Zombies and titled as ‘Zombies: Addison’s moonstone mystery’ which will be premiere on 16h October 2020 on the network Disney channel. ‘Zombies’ movie came out becoming a record-breaking success for Disney.
What do you know about the Zombies Disney film?
Zombies is an American musical and dance Disney channel origins movie that made its debut on 16th February 2018 which is based on the book Zombies and cheerleaders by David Light and Joseph Raso; the film was directed by Paul Hoen.
The plot originally tells about an accident that happened fifty years ago; in the planned community of Seabrook which induced the people to turn into brain-eating zombies. To ensure the people from zombies; they built a wall and Z-Bands bracelets brought in to safeguard humans from zombies. At present; life changes where a zombie student Zed switches to a human school; where he meets Addison, a human and falls for her eventually. The story is all about a human-zombie connection, individuality, cheerleading, prejudice and tolerance where they face problems for being in a relationship.
New animated series based on the franchise is gonna come:
We expect that the ending of ‘zombies 2’ definitely arranges a third part of the franchise where Addison’s hair starts glowing at the end which lends a clueless finishing to the audience, but there are talks about the animated shorts rather than zombies 3 films.
On October 2nd 2020; Disney channel officially announced on twitter about their new animated short and new music video from the zombies’ franchise “Disney zombies, fans will be treated to new origins programming with music video “more than a mystery” performed by Meg Donnelly and animated shorts- addison’s moonstone mystery, with Donnelly and Milo Manheim debuts on October 16 on Disney channel and in disneyNOW. If at all; there are any chances of getting a third instalment of the franchise, then it would take place in the upcoming years.
An expected plot of the animated series?
The story begins at Seabrook high, where zombies, werewolves and humans are all coexisting cheerfully. A new girl at school, Vanna, whom Addison immediately befriends and compromises to shake up the dynamic when they understand that she is not all that she looks like. And also Addison’s journey through a magical dreamscape as she digs for her true identity.
Actors who contributed their work
Milo Manheim as Zed
Meg Donnelly as Addison
Trevor Tordjman as Bucky
Kylee Russell as Eliza
Kingston Foster as Zoey
Emilia McCarthy as Lacey
James Godfrey as Bonzo
Carla Jeffery as Bree
Jasmine as Stacey