“You” is an American psychological thriller television series. The series is developed by Greg Berlanti and Sera Gamble. Warner Horizon Television produced the series in association with A&E Studios and Alloy Entertainment. Season 1 (2018) is based on a 2014 novel by Caroline Kepnes.
The story follows Joe Goldberg a New York bookstore manager and serial killer. He falls in love with Guinevere Beck who is a customer. He quickly develops delusional, extreme, and toxic obsession. Season 2 (2019) follows Joe moving to Los Angeles and falling in love with Love Quinn (local heiress).
“You” Season 3 hit screen?
In January 2020 the series was renewed for season 3 by Netflix. The series will release in 2021 but no confirm date has been announced. As per an Instagram update by Netflix, the production has already in process for season 3. On November 2 in the official Twitter account posted a creepy picture of actor Badgley wearing a face mask with the words: “Hello You” on it. The series is again set in California. The audience will have to wait to know the exact date of release.
“You” Season 3 Storyline?
Season 2 left the audience with many unanswered questions. Speculations are there that season 3 will answer all the questions. In an interview, the producer said he has “so many questions about Love’s mother who’s incredibly in the picture at the end of the season, like how much she really knows about her children”. Is it an indication that the audience going to see a lot more of her in future episodes?
Another producer revealed that there could be a point where Joe’s luck runs out with an interview with a Hollywood reporter. For a clear picture of the story of season 3, the audience will have to wait till the creators officially announce the story.
“You” Season 3 Who All Can Be Seen?
Badgley and Pedretti both reprising their roles. Other than this not much information is available. Speculations are there that most of the old cast will be back but nothing cannot be confirmed as yet.