Netflix’s original thriller series, You is all set for its third installation as the production of the series has finally resumed after a long haul. The official Twitter account of Netflix announced about the resuming of the production of the third season of You with the picture of Penn Badgley wearing the mask with ‘Hello You’ written on it, he is the protagonist of the series who plays the role of the character namely Joe Goldberg. The caption of the picture was, ‘we recommend you to stay 6 feet away from Joe Goldberg at all times. YOU Season 3 is back in production.’
Plot of YOU Season 3
The second season of You left the fans with many questions including who will be the next victim of Joe, and it ended on a cliff-hanger. The end of last season saw Joe and Love, who is now pregnant, in a new quite neighborhood to start a new life together but Joe’s attention is caught by a mysterious neighbor next door. Fans think that neighbor might be his next victim. The creators, and actors of the series hasn’t revealed any detail about the plot, it is only known there is a lot of stories to tell in the upcoming new season of YOU.
Cast of YOU Season 3
It is definitely certain that Penn Badgley is returning as the infamous stalker, Joe Goldberg, and Victoria Pedretti is also returning as Love. In October 2020, it was announced that the following actors will join the cast of YOU in the third season- Shalita Grant, Travis Van Winkle, and Scott Speedman. Few other actors from the previous season of YOU will also return to the third season of the series.
Release Date of YOU Season 3
The official release date of the third season hasn’t been announced by Netflix yet. It is certain that the third season will release in the year 2021. If season three of YOU follows the timeline of the previous seasons release dates then it will come out in the first half of 2021. Let’s hope for a fast arrival of YOU Season 3!