Wise Man’s Grandchild is a manga adaptation which is written by Yoshioka. In Japanese, the series is known as Kenja No Mago. From March 2016 the manga serialized in Kadokawa Shoten’s Young Ace Up website. Nine tankobon volumes are there in the manga. In 2019 the manga was adapted into television series by Silver Link. The audience has liked the series and has received a positive response so far. Now the audience is waiting for season 2.
Brief Details About Wise Man’s Grandchild Season 2 –
The light novel ended its serialization in December 2018. During that time the last volume was issued. It is very difficult to guess whether the 12 episodes of season 1 covers all the volume or some part is left. No official announcements have been made till now for the renewal of season 2.
This does not mean season 2 will not happen. It is just that not on cards right now. Since the audience has liked the series there are high chances that the creators will come back for season 2. Till then the audience keeps your fingers crossed for more episodes.
Not many details are available regarding the plot and the cast of season 2. Once the series is renewed for the new season more details will be available. Even a trailer or teaser is not available officially.
Brief Background Of Wise Man’s Grandchild –
A young salaryman is shown who died in an accident was reborn in another world. The world is filled with magic and demons. The patriot hero “Sage” Merlin Wolford picks him up as a baby. He gives him a name Shin. He was raised as a grandson. He learned Merlin’s teaching and got some irresistible powers. When Shin became 15 Merlin realized that he did not teach him common sense. The King of Earlshide Kingdom asks Shin to attend his magic academy. He agreed that he will not use Shin for political purposes. Shin rescues two girls.
The main characters include Shin Wolford, August von Earlshide, Maria von Messina, Sizilien “Sicily” von Claude, Alice Corner, Thor von Flegel, Lynn Hughes, Yuri Carlton, Tony Freyd, Julius von Littenheim, Mark Bean, Olivia Stone.