Better Call Saul is an American crime drama series, which is a prequel to Breaking Bad. It is the most acclaimed and pre-eminent series which has been created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould. The AMC crime drama series was first premiered on February 8, 2015, and grabbed massive attention of viewers, and the fifth season of this spellbinding series was released in February 2020. Since the Better Call Saul 5 has been released, fans are eagerly waiting for its season 6.
However, it has been confirmed by the AMC that the final season of the Breaking Bad prequel will hit soon.
It is also revealed that the script of the final season of this series is currently being written remotely due to the deadly spread of the pandemic COVID-19. Apart from being the top-rated series, Better Call Saul has also got massive regard and huge love from the fans and critics as well as its predecessor.
The most renowned series is all about the struggle of the Jimmy McGill. It has shown how he turned from Jimmy McGill, a tiny lawyer, to a respectable lawyer named Saul Goodman. In this series, the glimpses of Jimmy McGill’s life after the Breaking Bad incidents have also been shown. The show also focuses that his counteracts always come from everyone who always wants to pull him down.
Release Date of Better Call Saul
The release date of the upcoming season of Better Call Saul has not been confirmed yet, but it is expected that the upcoming season of this fantastic series will be out somewhere in 2021. But, due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, many Tv series, movies, and production houses have come to a halt. So, Better Call Saul Season 6 may also be delayed. As per the reports, it is still being written remotely. So, things will not go as planned.
Better Call Saul Season 6 cast-
The cast name of this upcoming season is not decided officially yet. We have reports that the expected cast names, which are mentioned below, will be in the season.
Bob Odenkirk,
Tony Dalton,
Giancarlo Esposito,
Michael McKean,
Jonathan Banks,
Rhea Seehorn,
Michael Mando,
and Patrick Fabian.
Will Better Call Saul season 6 prove better than Breaking Bad
Better call Saul did make a mark on the audience. It has proved to be better than Breaking Bad due to many reasons, but the most eminent one is the prime focus on character development. And without a doubt, it will only get better.