Gamers!, an animation series which is about a group of students with a speciality. The story of Gamers is adapted from a light novel written by Sekina Aoi. This series is directed by Manabu Okamoto, he is known for the romantic-comedy type Japanese anime.
This series initially starts like a gaming anime but later turns into a complete romantic comedy series. The series was initially released on 13 July 2017. In 2017, it was in the topmost viewed Japanese anime series, after a month was its initial release date. The first season contains 12 awesome episodes. The final episode was released on 28 September 2017. After success, the buffs are eagerly waiting for the renewal of season two. If you are one of those crazy lovers, then move further and seize the updates regarding the release date, cast and plot of Gamers season 2.
Meet the vocalist of Gamers season 2
Gamers have a really great vocalist team. They really give life to the characters on the screen. The main voice cast of season 1 will return for voicing in season 2 also. That is Megumi Han will give a voice for Keita Amano, Hisako Kanemoto will be for Karen Tendo, Toshiyuki Toyonaga will be the vocalist of Tasuku Uehara, Rumi Okubo will voice for Aguri Sakurano, Manaka Iwami will give a voice for Chiaki Hoshinomori, Yasuaki Takumi as Elichi Misumi, Yuki Kuwahara as Konoha Hoshinomori and Yuna Yoshino will be the vocalist for Niina Oiso. Some addition of characters is expected for season 2 of Gamers.
Will we get season 2 for Gamers?
Will we get Gamers season 2? A much-awaited question from the lovers. There is no official news from the makers of Gamers regarding the confirmation of season 2. Season 1 was a great hit in 2017 and it was in the topmost viewed series list of an anime series. so, we can say that season 2 for Gamers is assured.
If the corona problems get over and if everything stays fine, then we can get a season 2 for Gamers. It is expected that season 2 will be released sometime between 2021 to 2022. And if Gamers season 2 happens, then it is expected to be released on Netflix also. Stay linked with us to get the additional updates on Gamer season 2.