Little Women: La, a reality television show that shows the life of women with dwarfism. The series was initially telecasted on 27 May 2014 on lifetime channel. A story on a group of women with a common physical trait. The series contains a total of 8 seasons.
The eighth season was aired from 4 April 2019 to 15 August 2019. It’s an inspirational series which shows people that height is just a number and how to live life to the fullest by flaunting their flaws. The series captured many loyal fans. And now the fans are waiting for the arrival of season 9. So now, will the ladies return with season 9? It’s always safe to expect less. Here are our assumptions on the little women season 9.
What to expect from Little Women: LA season 9?
The plot of the upcoming episode is not revealed yet. In the last episode of Little Women, we saw havoc between the ladies due to the explosion that occurred between Autumn and Cole. Christy lets out her dark secret about her marriage to Todd. In every season the plot covers every aspect of their life.
The issues they face in their adult life like careers, parenting responsibility and also their romantic life. In the coming episodes, they may try to cover a contemporary issue and how they help each other to deal with it. Or the story may continue with the ongoing issue between the ladies group.
The stars who will return for season 9
It’s evident that the ladies will return to their roles. Bariana and Traci Harrison exited the show after season 6. Terra Jole, Tonya Banks, Christy McGinity Gibel and Elena Gant will return for season 9. Along with them, Jasmine Arteaga and Brittney Guzman will also return to the series.
When will Little Women: LA season 9 premiere?
Season 9 was released several months ago and yet there is no update from the officials regarding season 9. It is safe to not expect the series to return anytime soon. The series was expected to be telecasted in April 2020. However, it didn’t happen. And there is no confirmation about the cancellation of the series and there is no update regarding that. Wait engaged with us to get the latest updates on the series.