Justice League is a superhero film based on the DC comics directed by Zack Snyder. It is a follow-up to Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. This film was released on 26 October 2017. And collected a total of 657 million in the box office. Though the film was appreciated for the fight scenes but also got many negative critics for the plot and writing.
This film has received both positive and negative critics. People compared this movie to the other DC Comics-based movies and this one did not match up to the audience’s expectations. But some liked this movie due to the light plot compared to other DC movies. Now, will Justice League get a sequel? Go further to get the latest updates we have on Justice League part two.
Who will star in Justice League 2?
If Justice League 2 happens then we can expect the superheroes to return to reprise their role in part two also. That includes, Gal Gadot will return to play as the Wonder Woman. Jason Momoa will be returning to play as the Aquaman. Ray Fisher will be returning as Cyborg. Henry Cavill will be reprising the role of Superman. Ben Affleck will be returning as Batman. And Ezra Miller will return as the Flash.
What will happen in Justice League 2?
In the first part, the heroes won the better with Steppenwolf by comprising Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman and Cyborg. And ended with Lex Luthor escaping from the Asylum and has vowed that he will make their life a living hell. In the second part, there might be a new villain with a new motive or they may show the returning of Darkseid. And it will continue with the heroes again fighting to save the world from the evils.
Will there be Justice League 2?
As per the previous announcement Justice League part, two was planned to release on 14 June 2019. And it was later declined. In 2020, there are many other DC films waiting for the release date. Before Justice League part two release, Shazam and Green Lantern Corps will possibly be released. So we can’t expect Justice League 2 before 2021 and have to wait for further updates. Stay tuned with us to get further updates on Justice League 2.
Also Read: Justice League 2: Everything You Need to Know about it