The impending family-adventure movie, Jungle Cruise, starring Dwayne Johnson, has postponed its release date to July 2021. This is done to protect the cast and crew members from COVID-19. The adventure movie was initially scheduled to release in July 2020. But because of the ongoing pandemic and to assure the safety of its cast and crew, the movie is delayed.
Justification for delay of Jungle Cruise
Producer Hiram Garcia had piped up about Jungle Cruise and why the impending Disney movie was delayed for a year. The film, which is based on a theme park ride, stars Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt.
Jungle Cruise had joined with other Disney-produced pictures this year that were either delayed or postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 pandemic has put the production of movies and series to a standstill. With no knowledge of when things will turn normal, it is safe to know that Jungle Cruise will not release this year. However, at first, when Jungle Cruise was delayed, it was because of the July opening that it gave to Disney’s live-action movie, Mulan. Although, Mulan was later shifted to Disney+ instead of releasing on the big screen.
The Plot of Jungle Cruise
Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt are the lead actors of the movie. Dwayne, along with seven other producers, generated the movie. The adventure in the movie will commence with the exploration of an ancient tree that is said to have such strong healing powers that they would be able to cure wounds or diseases quickly. The discovery of this unusual tree will change the direction of the medical science.
Surely, the wait for the movie is disheartening for those who are excitedly waiting for the action-packed adventure. But both Disney and producer Garcia has made the right decision, and it’s truly better to be safe than sorry. Even though the movie is currently on hold, it will be worth the wait. Jungle Cruise is a family movie and will hit the theatres when it is completely safe. This will attract more viewers as the movie has a new and authentic plot.