The Princess Diaries is a comedy movie. It was created by Gina Wendkos. The movie was released in 2001 under the Walt Disney Pictures. The movie is centered on a novel under the same name written by Meg Cabot in the year 2000. After a year the movie was released based on the novel. The theme of the movie is based on Mia, a shy teen girl. She comes to know that she is a princess to a kingdom in Europe. Her grandmother is her guardian and not much close to her, and it is up to her to get the throne or leave it. The film earned more than expected and made a grossing amount of $165 million worldwide.
The second film of the series got released in 2004 as The Princess Diaries: The royal engagement. It got the same amount of good reviews and awards as the first movie. Until 2015 unknown sources were saying about a third party. The movie is said to be released in 2020 but there is no official word from the team. It might even come in 2021.
What happens in The Princess Diaries?
The theme is based on Mia, a very simple and shy teen girl. She stays with her mother in San Francisco. None of her classmates are friendly to her, except Lilly. Then she comes to know that she is a princess of the Genovian kingdom. Her grandmother Clarisse comes and asks her to rule the throne. Mia then gets famous among her friends. She stays to endure all the luxuries of a queen until there comes a day when she commits a mistake. She then tries hard to prove herself. By end of the movie, she takes up the throne and stays as princess of Genovia.
When will the third part come out?
Since 2017, unknown sources have said that it is still undergoing production. The third part will come out soon as the members of the movie have said. The movie was set to come out in 2020 but got delayed because to the Covid pandemic. It might come out in 2021 if there are no problems. It will be updated as soon as there is any official announcement about the movie.