The Lion Guard is an animated TV series which is in the U.S. It has created by Ford Riley. It is centred on the famous film from 1994, called ‘The Lion King’. The series converted directly into a TV series, ‘The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar’ which was released on the Disney Channel on November 22, 2015. The film is a second part of the ‘The Lion King’ and a was the part before ‘The Lion Guard’. It is the second such series that comes from the ‘The Lion King’ after ‘Timon and Pumbaa’ got premiered from 1995 to 1999. It is about five heroes of the jungle who protect the Pride Lands. The team includes Kion, Bunga, Fuli and Beshte and Ono.
What is the series all about?
Simba and Nala had a second son named Kion. He is born with a huge responsibility as he has to become the leader of the Lion Guard. For the Pride Lands are to live better then it depends on the members of the Lion Guard. Kion becomes the first one to break the rules of Lion Guard by gathering a team which included not only lions but also four animals, namely Fuli, Beshte, Ono, the egret and Bunga. They are lead by the spirit of Mufasa, Kion’s grandmother.
In the end of Season 2, Lion Guard won over Scar’s army by diverting the vultures with the help of Anga, the Martial Eagle, Ono, and Hadithi. Then there’s a new member in Lion Guard found in Anga.
But in the End of Season 3, Lion Guard gets back home only to know that it got replaced with a new Lion Guard and the two fight with each other to decide who will protect the Pridelands.
When will Season 4 come out?
The Lion Guard Season 3 was released on August 3, 2019, and ended on September 2, 2019. And for the next season, it is said that the season 4 is cancelled by Disney. But, We know that the story of Lion Guard is not over yet. There’s no hope of the series getting renewed again.
Also Read: Lion Guard Season 4: Will there be a season 4 of The Lion Guard?