Watchmen is an American neo-noir superhero film. This story is based on the DC Comics limited series of 1986-1987 written by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. Watchmen was one of the best series of 2019. One of the best comic book series which released on a small screen. All the award attention, critical acclaim, and fantastic narrative the series received, it is no surprise that expectation of season 2 is an all-time high.
Season 2 is high on demand, but HBO has not renewed Watchmen for season 2. This doesn’t indicate that season 2 will never happen. It’s just that not on cards for the time being. There are lots of reason for season 2 happen. Till then, the audience will have to keep their fingers crossed and cherish season 1 of the series.
The creators have said another season is not happening anytime soon, but he also said that he is not against anyone else taking over to explore more of the story. The global crisis made many creators rethink the production strategy and schedule for the near future. Even HBO will make a safe move, keeping in mind the current scenario.
Overview Of Watchmen Season 2-
- Director – Zack Synder
- Brief Story – In 1939, in the United States during the interwar period, a team of costumed crime-fighters is formed. In the Vietnam War era in the 1960s through the mid-1980s, the Cold war sees the rise of Watchmen. They are the team of heroes whose assistance affects the event of the world. In 1959 Dr. Jon Osterman died in an accident. He remakes his body, God-like. The government utilizes the doctor’s power to win the Vietnam War. The government gains a strategic advantage over the Soviet Union.
Main Cast Of Watchmen –
- Malin Maria Åkerman
- William Gaither Crudup
- Matthew William Goode
- Jack Earle Haley
- Jeffrey Dean Morgan
- Patrick Joseph Wilson
- Carla Gugino
- Stephen McHattie Smith
- Daniel Payne
- Niall Matter
- Apollonia Vanova
- Glenn Ennis
- Darryl Scheelar