Violet Evergarden is a Japanese novel series written by Kana Akatsuki and depicted by Akiko Takase. It won the grand prize in the fifth Kyoto Animation Award’s novel category in 2014 and was the first work to win a grand prize in any of the three categories. The first novel was put out by Kyoto Animation on December 25, 2015.
An anime TV series was released by Kyoto Animation in the period January and April 2018 and many pre release screenings in 2017. At the 2019 Crunchyroll Anime Awards this series got the Best Animation award. An original video animation episode was released in July 2018, and a second film premiered in Japan in September 2019. Violet Evergarden the Movie was the second anime and got released on September 18, 2020.
When will season 2 come out?
Season 1 is said to be a big hit among the fans. It made everyone want more as in case of any other series. However, everyone has to wait for sometime for its official announcement about its release. Due to the current pandemic, anime producers had to work from home. This will take time to produce. So, we might get to see its release during early 2021.
What happens in season 2?
Season 1 left viewers with many questions about the Gilbert, father of Violet. He says something to her at the end of the episode. His voice is heard by Violet. The reason about how he disappeared is unknown. Some say that he died during an action. However, the ending answered some of the questions. Some strange person comes as the seasone and fans believe that it is actually Gilbert. The reason fans think that he is Gilbert, is by seeing the reaction of Violet. It might be possible that the return of Violet’s father in season 2.
Violet has huge expectations for her father’s survival. Her father leaves her on a journey of self-realization so that she can find ways to survive on her own. And by the ending of the episode, she finally realizes it. Then she learns how to live, Gilbert may return in season 2 and it will revolve around both of them.