Vikings is a historical drama TV series based on the natives of Iceland who believed in the Norse Gods. Created and written by Michael Hirst for the History Channel and later adopted by Netflix, the show follows famous Viking Ragnar Lothbrok’s rise in ranks from a mere farmer to the Scourge of England and France.
The show was filmed in Ireland and season 1 premiered way back in 2013. With part I of season 6 recently concluding, here’s what’s next in store for the popular TV show.
Vikings Season 7 updates
It has been officially confirmed that a seventh season of the Irish-Canadian show ‘Vikings’ will indeed not be released, making season 6 it’s the final chapter. History Channel has stated they will be cancelling the show due to low viewership.
The second part of the sixth season of Vikings is yet to be released, giving fans something to look forward to. The last episode of Season 6, Part 1 – ‘The Best Laid Plans’ was aired on 5 February 2020. The launch date of Part 2 is uncertain due to the ongoing pandemic. But fans may expect it’s release later on this year, presumably in December.
The promo trailer for Season 6, Part 2 can be found on YouTube.
Furthermore, a spin-off series titled Valhalla has been confirmed and is in production as we speak, and will be streamed exclusively on Netflix.
What to expect from Season 7?
Season 6, Part 2 will most likely pick up where Part 1 ended, letting us know of Bjorn’s fate after being stabbed by Ivan, and also following the future of Floki as he takes his place at the throne of Kattegat.
The earlier seasons in the series showcased the rise of one Ragnar Lothbrok, from being a mere farmer to a legend, and the king of Scandinavia. Later, the series also follows the journeys and conquests of Ragnar’s sons in England and Scandinavia.
The cast members who are most expected to return to the show are:
Katheryn Winnick as Lagertha
Jordan Patrick Smith as Ubbe
Alexander Ludwig as King Bjorn
Marco Ilsø as Hvitserk
John Kavanagh as The Sheer
Also to be expected are Ben Robson as Kalf, Alex Anderson as Ivar the Boneless, David Lindstrom as Sigurd, and Danila Kozlovsky as Oleg the Prophet.
Where to watch?
The upcoming episodes, along with the ones already released, can be streamed online on Netflix in India. However, streaming platforms may vary from country to country.