The original launch date of Venom was scheduled to be in October 2020. However, due to the outbreak of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the launch date had to be postponed. Therefore, there is a tentative official release date for the movie. It is planned to release on 25th June 2021. The previous cast will return for the new movie.
Overview of Venom 2
Venom 2 has been on board since the creation of Venom original in 2018. The initial movie had deliberately ended with the arrival of a serial killer named Cletus Kasady. In the end, Eddie is requested to interview Cletus, who pledges “carnage” when he escapes.
Venom 2 will arrive to star its new antagonist Cranage, who is a serial killer named Cletus Kasady. We might get to see more of the encounter between him and Venom.
When will Venom 2 release?
The production of Venom 2 had begun in early 2019. The filming of this sequel took place from November 2019 to February 2020. While the name of the movie was declared openly in April 2020.
Venom: Let There Be Carnage was originally scheduled to be launched in the cinemas in October 2020. However, due to the outbreak of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the launch date had to be postponed. Therefore, there is a tentative official release date for the movie. Moreover, Sony has recently announced that it would release Venom 2 after the pandemic is over. As of now, the movie is set to release on 25th June 2021.
The cast of Venom 2
The main actors will be back for the Venom 2,
and along with that, we will see many new faces.
Tom Hardy will play the character of Venom. Woody Harrelson will play the character of Carnage. Michele Williams will play the character of Anne. Reid Scott will play the character of Dan. Naomie Harris will play the character of Shriek.