Big Little Lies is the most thrilling American TV series, which was first released by HBO on February 19, 2017. This amusing TV series is based on the novel with the same name written by Liane Moriarty and created with the great efforts by Kelley.
Big Little Lies TV show is famous for its spectacular and mysterious plot as well, and it is also available on Disney+. Since the first show of this series has been premiered, it gained massive popularity and applauded from the viewers for its extraordinary performances.
Season 1 and season 2 of this engrossing show had made a remarkable impact on viewers’ minds, and the cast of this show has also nailed it. The cast has really impressed everyone by their performances.
After releasing the first two seasons of this show, fans are looking forward to its next season. And previous two seasons of this show also left people with high hopes for upcoming season 3.
The story of this amazing TV show is all about the five women who live in Monterey, California, and investigation into the murder that creates immense trouble in their lives. This even got many challenges in their lives too.
When will ‘Big Little Lies season 3’ Release?
It is expected that season 3 of ‘Big Little Lies’ will be premiered nearby June 2021. While, the first season of this ultimate series was released on February 19, 2017, with seven episodes, which was directed by Jean-Marc Vallée and Andrea Arnold.
All the episodes of the first season were grabbed great attention from the viewers, and they all were magnificent. And the second season of this show was released on June 9, 2019, with seven episodes and also gained huge popularity. So, considering the releasing gap between season 1 and season 2, it is expected that season 3 will out in the next year 2021.
However, there has not been received official confirmation regarding the release date of the upcoming season. So, the fans might wait quite long to watch the third season of the most thrilling show, “Big Little Lies.”
The storyline of Big Little Lies
According to the novel, in Big Little Lies Season 3, we, without a doubt, experience exciting things. At the end of the last season, we see the Monetary Five enter a nearby police headquarters. Now, the story proceeds from that point. We see Bonnie admitting that she pushed Perry. Since she assaulted Celeste, the rest of the individuals will assist the announcement, will verify against forceful conduct to Perry.
Big Little Lies Season 3 Cast
The expected cast of Big Little Lies Season 3 are mentioned below.
Shailene Woodley as Jane Chapman
Reese Witherspoon as Madeline Mackenzie
Alexander Skarsgård as Perry Wright
Adam Scott as Ed Mackenzie
Gia Carides as Melissa
Nicole Kidman as Celeste Wright
Ivy George as Amabella Klein
Kelen Coleman as Harper Stimson
Kathryn Newton as Abigail Carlson
Larry Sullivan as Oren
Iain Armitage as Ziggy Chapman
Larry Bates as Stu
Robin Weigert as Dr. Amanda Reisman
P. J. Byrne as Warren Nippal
Laura Dern as Renata Klein
Sarah Sokolovic as Tori Bachman
Jeffrey Nordling as Gordon Klein
Nicholas Crovetti as Max Wright
Cameron Crovetti as Josh Wright
Merrin Dungey as Detective Adrienne Quinlan
Meryl Streep as Mary Louise Wright
Darby Camp as Chloe Mackenzie
Zoë Kravitz as Bonnie Carlson
Santiago Cabrera as Joseph Bachman
Chloe Coleman as Skye Carlson
James Tupper as Nathan Carlson
Big Little Lies Season 3 Trailer
The trailer of Big Little Lies Season 3 is s not out yet. If we get any update related to the upcoming season, we will update you guys soon. Till then, watch the first two seasons by being safe and tuned with us.