American action movie Alita Battle Angel is a marvellous science fiction film based on Japanese anime. Yukito Kishiro is the writer of the story. Alita Battle Angel received a big-screen adaptation in 2019. This film is also based upon Battle Angel, which is directed by Robert Rodriguez with James Cameron and Jon Landau.
Despite the film’s massive popularity, fans demands for a sequel.
In the United States, Alita Battle Angel was released on 14 February last year. As per the reports, this amazing science-fiction movie’s expenses were 170 million dollars, and since this film got huge popularity, it earned 404 million dollars. Wow! Because of the monumental adoration and positive response from the viewers, a rumoured is in the air that the second part will be released. Unfortunately, there is no such confirmation from the manufacturers yet.
Disney is responsible whether or not to renew this film. No confirmation is still available. Rosa Salazar said in an interview that said the sequel had not been accepted yet. She also added if the sequel comes it will take some time and we all need to wait until 2022 at least.
In the first part, we saw that Alita sadly lost her lover Hugo and now she understands the cruel world in a better way. Makers just need a green light from Disney so that they can start working on the second part.