Manifest is an American mystery drama that was created by Jeff Rake. The story of this series is about flight passengers who survived death and trying to achieve an everyday life with others in society. This show was initially released on 24 September 2018 on the NBC network.
In 2019 the show was renewed for season two and was aired January 2020. The fans are eagerly waiting for the team to return with season 3, and after many controversies, NBC has finally given thumbs up. When will we be getting season 3? Who will be starring, and what will the plot be? Get all your questions resolved here.
Stars of Manifest season 3
As per the story, the main leads will be returning to reprise their roles in season three.’Melissa Roxburgh’ will be playing as Michaela stone. ‘Josh Dallas’ will play as Ben Stone. Jared Vasquez’s role is played by ‘Ramirez. ‘ ‘Luna Blaise’ will return as Olive stone. ‘Daryl Edwards ‘ as Rob the ert Vance. ‘Matt long’ will return as Zeke London.’Athena Karkanis’ will reprise her role as Grace stone. There may be some new entry in season three of the manifest as per the storyline.
What can manifest season 3will be about?
As the story ended in an engaging angle in the last season so we can expect many interesting facts about the disappearance of flight 828 and about the passenger’s trying to live a so-called normal life. They may show how Ben stone and Michael Stone are putting themselves deeper about leaning the mystery behind about flight after they saw about Zeke Longdon surviving even after his death date.
The makers announced that in the upcoming season, Michael might have an essential role in trying to communicate with others. Getting to know her friends also the enemies she doesn’t realize, and this will really create a great exploration. The creators have also informed that there will be some new set of passengers in the third season to make the theory thrilling.
When will Manifest season three be on screen?
The precise date of release is not announced yet. The first season of manifest was aired in 2018, and season two was dropped in 2020. In June 2020, the officials announced about the reunion for the third season. Considering the drawbacks of the current scenario and the fitness of the crew members, we can expect a show to drop in the mid of 2021. Stay tuned with us to get more info.