Tokyo Ghoul S is a 2019 Japanese dark fantasy action horror film. It is a sequel of the 2017 film Tokyo Ghoul, based on Sui Ishida’s manga series Tokyo Ghoul. It was released theatrically in Japan by Shochiku on July 19, 2019. Tokyo Ghoul S shows its world where humans live along with ghouls, super-human predators who satisfy their starving-hunger with human flesh and blood.
On April 11, 2019, they confirmed the title as Tokyo Ghoul S. Then a trailer and theatrical poster for the film was released. On May 28, 2019, the first 150 seconds of the film were released on Shochiku’s YouTube channel.
The theme song got out at the premiere of Tokyo Ghoul S in Tokyo on June 1, 2019. Queen Bee performs the theme song “Introduction”.
What is the story of the sequel?
In the film, Shuu Tsukiyama murders the famous model Margaret. Then a murderous ghoul with never-ending desires, Tsukiyama arrives at Anteiku and goes towards Ken Kaneki. Tsukiyama breaks his friendship with Kaneki, and badly wants to eat him. Tsukiyama invites Kaneki to the ghoul restaurant, where Kaneki is held captive and ready to be consumed by other ghouls. However, after Tsukiyama found the secret of Kaneki’s ghoul eye, and a raid by the CCG, Kaneki escapes without being harmed and alive.
Kaneki meets Kimi Nishino, a human and girlfriend of Nishiki Nishio, who was injured by ghouls in the past. Nishino is later kidnapped by Tsukiyama, who later orders to eat Kaneki while Kaneki is eating Nishino. Nishio and Touka Kirishima, however, try to plan something against Tsukiyama and free Nishino. Kirishima also thought to kill Nishino due to her being a human knowing the secrets of ghouls. However after Nishino impresses Kirishima’s kagune, Kirishima leaves her without harming.
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What are the characters in Tokyo Ghoul S?
- Masataka Kubota as Ken Kaneki
- Maika Yamamoto as Touka Kirishima
- Shota Matsuda as Shuu Tsukiyama
- Nobuyuki Suzuki as Kōtarō Amon
- Kai Ogasawara as Hideyoshi “Hide” Nagachika
- Shunya Shiraishi as Nishiki Nishio
- Maiiryū as Kimi Nishino
- Hiyori Sakuradaas Hinami Fueguchi
- Kunio Murai as Yoshimura
- Minosuke Bandō as Uta
- Shuntarō Yanagi as Renji Yomo
- Nana Mori as Yoriko Kosaka
- Jiyoung as Itori
- Maggy as Margaret