Tiger King documentary’s Carole Baskin’s had recently debuted on Dancing With The Stars. However, it was outweighed by an advertisement shown during the break. Carol Baskin, who is Don Lewis’s ex-wife and is accused of feeding him to the tigers at the Big Cat Rescue. Here are the details of everything that went on the show, Dancing With The Stars, and the advertisement.
Carole Baskin has been recently given a chance to appear on one of the popular television show, ABC’s Dancing With The Stars, after the accomplishment of the documentary, Tiger King earlier this year.
On Monday night, Carol Baskin debuted on this show, and she had performed a Pasodoble, which is a traditional Spanish dance. She did this number with the pro dancer Pasha Pashkov that initiated with him locked in a cage filled with stuffed tigers.
The performance received 11 points by the judges. However, what caused the biggest online reaction was the advertisement in the commercial break. It went rave within the online platforms. The advertisement was paid by and featured the family of Carol Baskin’s missing ex-husband named Don Lewis. They had requested the audience to share any data regarding his disappearance or if they have evidence against Carole Baskin’s apparent involvement.
The advertisement starred Don Lewis’s three daughters: Gale, Linda, Donna, and his former assistant Anne McQueen. In the advertisement, the eldest daughter Donna had said that his family wants to know what had happened to him. Their family lawyer, John Phillips, has also spoken and particularly pointed out the name of Carole Baskin.
He said that Don Lewis had mysteriously disappeared in 1997, and his family deserves to know what happened to him. He also asks if anyone knows who did this or if Carol Baskin was involved in his disappearance.
In the Tiger King documentary, it had insisted that Carol Baskin had fed Don Lewis, her ex-husband to the tigers at Big Cat Rescue. However, it was something that she has denied time and time again.