Thor: Love and Thunder – a forthcoming movie, based on the Marvel Comics superhero. The movie is a continuation to Thor, Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok, and Avengers: Endgame and a prequel to Guardians of the Galaxy Volume.
Release date for 4th sequel
Thor: Love and Thunder will be the 4th movie in the Thor series, to be directed by Taika Waititi. It is prepared with its launch date of 2022 and views Chris Hemsworth representing his character as the God of Thunder in the MCU for the ninth time.
It is important because it stars Natalie Portman representing her character as Jane Foster, but for this time she is coming as the Thor-powered version. The film was declared along with the official logo, at San Diego Comic-Con 2019.
The shooting of this film was initially set to begin in August 2020, but it is not clear how that is been affected by the global pandemic. Hence, the launch date has been pushed to 2022, from a previous date of 2021, as even the MCU production state got pushed back.
Now, the release date for the 4th most sequel is February 11, 2022.
What is the cast of Thor: Love and Thunder
As we know, the God of Thunder will be a prime role, and a few other roles include –
Chris Hemsworth as Thor,
Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie,
Natalie Portman as Thor,
Taika Waititi as Korg,
Christian Bale as TBA.
As of the new appearances or guest, roles are not yet disclosed. Keep checking the page often as we will be back again with more information!!
Is there any trailer for part 4?
There is no official trailer yet, and we would not presume to watch one until summer 2021 at the very earliest.
The Latest Updates
By seeing the success of Thor: Ragnarok, which was shot in New South Wales, Australia, the lead actor Chris Hemsworth has stated to local reporters that the next chapter in the concession, Thor: Love and Thunder from creator Taika Waitti, will be shooting there as well. The actor, who hails from Australia told that working on Thor: Ragnarok was an amazing & thrilling experience that helped steer him towards filming a little near to home as frequently as possible. A decision with his wife behind, as filming in Australia means he can be homey to mind his family while off-hours.
Stay tuned here!!