This Is Us is an American romantic family drama television drama created by Dan Fogelman. The series premiered on NBC on 20 September 2016. This Is Us has been loved and appreciated by the audience and critics all around the world for its brilliant plot and excellent performance by the actors.
The series was nominated for Best Television Series- Drama at the 74th Golden Globe Awards, and Best Drama Series at 7th Critic’s Choice Award. In the year 2017, This Is Us received 10 Emmy Awards nominations.
With four successful and brilliant seasons of This Is Us, it is coming to an end with its fifth season which is releasing on 27 October 2020 on NBC. After a long haul, The Pearsons are back with their story to mark the end, and sappy fans couldn’t stop being sentimental about their favorite series, This Is Us, ending this fall.
What is the plot of This Is Us Season 5?
The fourth season of This Is Us ended with a lot of cliffhangers which set the tone for the fifth season of the series. The finale of season 4 was totally devoted to the future of The Pearson family. In the fifth season, the audience will discover many twists and turns, connections, and emotional scenes. So, are you ready for a sappy ride of This Is Us Season 5 next week?
Who are in the cast of This Is Us Season 5?
The major cast of the series will return for the fifth and final season, and they are as follows, Milo Ventimiglia, Mandy Moore, Justin Hartley, Chrissy Metz, Sterling K Brown, Susan Kelechi Watson, Ron Cephes Jones, Chris Sullivan, Jon Hueirtas, Eris Baker, Lyric Ross, Melanie Ribbard, Griffin Dunne, Gerald McRaney, and few others. We might get to see some new characters which is not known yet.