The whispers, a scientific series created by Soo Hugh for the American Broadcasting company. The series was produced by Steven Spielberg, Justin Falvey, Darryl Frank and Dawn Olmstead. The story is based on the short story Zero Hour from The Illustrated Man. The series was initially released on 1 June 2015. At first, the series maintained a decent rating. The final episode of season one in The Whispers was telecasted on 31 August 2015. Later the series was cancelled by production. Why was the series cancelled? Will the series ever return with season two? Here we have updated the latest updates on The Whispers. Read further to get the updates.
What was the series about?
The Whispers series was a supernatural based concept. The children start playing and talking with an imaginary friend, which turns out to be a supernatural thing. Later their games turn dangerous. The supernatural forces the little children in the town to complete it’s mean spirited things. The supernatural interacts with the children. The evil spirits will go to any extent to complete their motives. These supernatural things were investigated by an FBI child specialist, Claire Bennigan.
The stars of The Whispers
Lily Rabe played as Claire Bennigan, the Special Agent. Milo Ventimiglia was portrayed as Sean Bennigan, Captain. Kyle Harrison Breitkopf played the role of Claire and Sean’s young son, Henry Bennigan. Barry Sloane played as a high-ranking Defense Department operative, Wes Lawrence. Kristen Connolly the role of Wes’ estranged wife and Minx’s mother, Lena Lawrence. Derek Webster played the role of Jessup Rollins, a Special Agent. Catalina Denis played as a doctor, Dr Maria Benavidez. Kylie Rogers was playing the role of Wes and Lena’s young daughter, Millicent “Minx” Lawrence. David Andrews played as the Secretary of Defense, Haley Frommer. Dee Wallace played as Willie Starling. Alan Ruck played as Alex Myers.
Will there be The whispers season 2?
The first season was released on 31 August 2015. Later on 19 October 2016, the American Broadcasting company called off the series after one season. The series was cancelled due to the low ratings that the show received after some episodes. There is no update from the officials regarding season two of The Whisper. Stay connected with us to get further updates on The Whispers season 2.