Hyperdrive, a new reality TV show trailer has been released by Netflix, from executive producer Charlize Theron. This show aim to acquaint viewers to an obstacle course that is known to be the biggest and the toughest automotive course ever built in human history.
With this series, we are introduced to the supposedly elite street racers from the different
backgrounds of life as they are put behind the racing cars with their giant wheels and are set free in a stunt-driving course giving us all, an adrenaline rush.
The release date is fixed to 21st August. The series contains 10 episodes, each of which plans to demonstrate an enormous range of ‘supercharged custom cars’. These cars will be seen in the hands of a truck driver, a delivery guy, a law student, a tycoon, a model, a construction worker and a logger. They have got a super large bridge called ‘The Leveler’. It is one of the myriad of obstacles the drivers would be made to face, in order to test the limit of their capabilities using the custom cars provided.
‘In this new original Netflix competition series, driving prowess, mechanical ingenuity and
emotional resilience will be tested in this open invitation, build and race tournament. Many will compete but there can only be one Hyperdrive champion.’ as Netflix quotes.