Al Hayba, an action drama written by Hozan Akko and directed by Samer Barqawi. A series originally made in the Lebanese Arabic language. A story based on the head smuggler struggling to gain the power against his opposite clan with a complicated love story.
The series was first aired in the Arab world on 27 May 2017 in the Arabic language and later Netflix picked the series and translated it into the other languages. The third season was released in 2019.
And now, the fans have great news, without letting the fans suffer for the further season, the officials announced that the series will return with season 4 of Al Hayba with the lead characters. Now get the latest updates about the cast, plot, and release date of Al Hayba season 4.
The expected stars for Al Hayba season 4
As per the requirement of Season 4, we expect Muna Wassef to return as Nahid Imran, Nadine Nassib as Alia, Valerie Abou as Maryam, Said Serhan as Ali, Taim Hasan as Jabal, Abdelnour as Nour Rahman, Owais Mukhalalati as Sakher, Abdo Shahine as Shahine, Rozina Lazkani as Mouna, Nicole Saba as Sumaya, Michael Hourani as Majdi, Abdel Majid Majzoub as Sultan, Rafic Ali Ahmad as Nazem, Khaled Al Sayed as Ghazi, Khitam Al Lahham as Em Shahine and Najah as Safkouni.
What will happen in season 4?
The storyline of season 4 is kept as a secret and the crew members have not spilt any details on the plot to the viewers to maintain the craze among the people for the upcoming episodes. In the last episode, we saw that Jabal Sheikh Aljabal was dead in his car. Later it was confirmed that it was an imagination of Nour. The plot is not leaked yet, but we can confirm that the upcoming season will be full of twists and twirls.
When we get Al Hayba season 4
The last three seasons of Al Hayba had a tradition of releasing the episodes between the month’s May to June. Season 4 was also planned to be released in May 2020. But due to the ongoing Corona issue, the release date was postponed. The release date is not confirmed yet, but we can get season 4 anytime in between this year. Stay tuned with us to get the updates about the release date of Al Hayba season 4.