Netflix original’s best documentary series The Staircase premiered in June 2018. This documentary series is of 13 episodes, in which three are a new addition to the saga of decade-old Michael Peterson. This docuseries is famous before the series like The Murderer came into the list of documentary series. The Staircase was directed by the most renowned director Jean-Xavier de Lestrade. The original series shows about Peterson and his team from charges to judgment. Viewers were probably expecting for the new episodes as Netflix uploaded some new episodes about Peterson.
Viewers are so much into this docuseries, but like they have the attachment with Making A Murderer. This is obvious that this series is based on the real-life event, but still, viewers want the sequel of this docu-series.
What is The Staircase all about?
The director Jean Xavier de Lestrade produced The Staircase in 2004. This mini-series consists of eight parts which are based on Michael Peterson’s case. He was a novelist and was accused of murdering his wife Kathleen whose body was found under the staircase in their home which was situated in North Carolina, Durham.
What’s so special in this true-crime story?
If you think that the series The Keeper had some crazy stuff and of course some ups and downs, then mate you are wrong, because The Staircase was the first series to have all these things. It was revealed in the series that Peterson was also involved with another death which was also related to the staircase. And also he had an extramarital affair which may be known by his wife and may she have accepted his husband’s affair with another lady. And then they had that whole life insurance policy…
The story is told of whom?
This documentary series shows the story from the perspective of Peterson and his defence team. Apart from other different documentary series, the crew of Jean Xavier de Lestrade was granted for the personal access by Peterson and his family. Jean Xavier de Lestrade started for the shooting just some days of Kathleen’s death, which indicated that de Lestrade was there to turn down Peterson to the police.
While the docu-series is doing its utmost to be impartial (it never unequivocally states that Peterson did or did not murder his wife), many viewers agree that it falls to the protection hand. Of course, after seeing it, you have to make your own opinions on it.
Why there will be no new episodes of The Staircase?
There was a dramatic twist in 2010. A series of newspaper articles exposed forensic misconduct and negligence during Peterson’s ongoing investigation. De Lestrade then produced two more episodes to follow up on Peterson’s petition for an acquittal. The new original Netflix series covers the actual hearing of the convicted defendant and the analysis of the plea deal.
Every story includes a beginning, a centre, and an end. Viewers will be able to leave the show without having dramatic satisfaction, so that’s definitely how the producers decided to bring an end to it. All have been agreed and done on a legitimate basis. Peterson’s case came to an end in 2017 after he admitted Alford’s appeal. Practically, although Peterson does not accept the crime, he acknowledges that the government has ample evidence to prosecute him. He had filed a plea bargain of murder and had been sentenced to time already spent.
De Lestrade has made a story mainly from Peterson’s standpoint. But there’s not a lot of content in the author’s life for different series. Peterson is now working on a book, enjoying time with his family. Barring a big surprise, it does not appear that there will be further instalments of The Staircase in the coming years.