This American teen drama series, that aired on Netflix on 10 May, 2019, has been into limelight ever since its release. Developed by Christopher Keyser, this web series stars Kathryn Newton, Gideon Adlon, Sean Berdy, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Jacques Colimon, Olivia DeJonge, Alex Fitzalan, Kristine Froseth, Jose Julian, Alexander MacNicoll, Toby Wallace, and Rachael Keller as the primary cast. The first season of this series comprises of 10 episodes in total. The Society has been critically acclaimed for its gripping mystery angle and the amazing performance by the cast.
Has The Series Been Renewed For Its Sequel?
Although the series was renewed for a sequel, the makers of this show later cancelled it because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. They mentioned that the current corona virus situation and the lockdown that followed right after, has taken a toll on the production process. The news of the second season getting cancelled has upset a lot of fans and it is evident from their tweets.
Is There A Possibility Of A Renewal of Season 2?
Netflix has announced that they have officially cancelled the upcoming season, so as of now it’s off the table. However, we can hope that the makers reconsider their decision once this pandemic comes under control. The release was cancelled because the production procedure was hampered due to corona virus pandemic. Had it been filmed, the fans could have expected the sequel to launch somewhere around the end of 2020. We hope to get more updates regarding the next season from the official sources soon.
As much as we understand the producers’ point of view with regards to the production of the sequel, we can’t ignore how much the fans hoped for the second part of the story. The Society had received a lot of appreciation and positive responses from the audience and now its hard for them to accept that there would not be any more of this spectacular series available. Currently, we are hoping for things to get better a little bit so that the showrunners can reconsider the renewal.
Society Season 2 plot
The story revolves around a group of teenagers who had gone for their high school field trip, which got cancelled later on. On returning from their trip, they realize that the entire population is missing; apparently the rest of the world doesn’t exist anymore. What is required now is for them to learn to carry on their own and survive with limited resources.
Main Cast Of Society –
- Kathryn Love Newton
- Sean Berdy
- Natasha Liu Bordizzo
- Olivia DeJonge
- Kristine Froseth
- Alexander MacNicoll
- Jose Julian
- Toby Wallace
- Rachel Rye Keller
Also Read: You season 3
Trailer of society Season 2
Trailers usually land one month before the premiere. So once we know about the premiere date, we will have a better idea.
Stay tuned for Updates
Since the pandemic COVID-19 has almost brought this world to a halt! So still no information we are getting from the producers! Until then stay tuned to TeCake for more updates!