American horror drama web television series The Order premiered on Netflix back in March 2019 and it was an instant hit. The show received positive critical reviews for its mysterious plot, dramatization, supernatural elements, and cinematography. After binge-watching 10 episodes of the first season, fans started demanding season 2 and soon Netflix confirmed season 2 of the show created by Dennis Heaton.
The Order revolves around the story of a college student named Jack Morton who later joins the secret society named Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose. Jack learns magic and gains supernatural prowess after joining the society. As Jack goes deeper into the organization’s history, he uncovers dark family secrets and an underground battle between werewolves and the magical dark arts.
The largest web TV series streaming service Netflix has now officially confirmed the arrival of The Order season 2. So, what can we expect from the second season?
“I can’t say much about it, obviously,” Sarah Grey (Alyssa) said. “But I do know that there’s a lot of humour involved, and I really like where we find the characters coming back. I think the audience is going to find it hilarious.”
Netflix also released a short announcement video for the release of The Order season 2.
The Order season 2 air date
When the renewal was introduced, one detail we weren’t provided was the main release date for season 2. However we were told that production would begin in summer 2019 in Vancouver, and also the second chapter would strike displays eventually throughout 2020.
The Order season 2 cast
Before starring in The Order, Jake Manley showed up in a variety of other category shows as well, consisting of Heroes Reborn and also The CW series iZombie, as well as bit parts on Hemlock Grove and American Gods.
We can expect all the major characters from season 1 to features in season 2 except Jack’s grandfather Peter (Matt Frewer) who was killed Jack’s estranged father Edward (Max Martini) in episode 9.
The Order season 2 episodes: How many will there be?
Just like it happened in the first season of supernatural horror drama series. The Order season 2 will also be released in 10 episodes each ranging from 40-45 minutes.
The Order season 2 trailer: When will it land?
Currently, Netflix hasn’t released the trailer for The Order season 2. We will update this article as soon as we get our hands on the trailer. Meanwhile, you can watch the trailer for season 1.