The Handmaid’s Tale is an American dystopian tragedy television series. The series is created by Bruce Miller based on the 1985 novel of the same name. by Margaret Atwood. The series was released on Hulu. The series was released on April 26, 2017. It had 10 episodes. The series was a hit among the audience and received positive reviews.
In a futuristic, theocratic, and dystopian United States, Offred is forced to become a handmaid ( a sexual slave). They serve as a surrogate for couples who desire children but they cannot have their own. She works for the cold Serena and her cruel husband. With the commander’s chauffeur, Nick Offred is in love.
When will The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 hit screen?
Till now 3 seasons have released. The series received mixed reviews. Now the audience is waiting for season 4. Till now no official date of release has been announced. The only update available is that dates have been pushed back to 2021.
As per the official update by Hulu before the lockdown, just 2 weeks of shooting happened. A lot more portion is yet to be filmed. Hulu also shared that when shooting will resume they will officially announce. Writers are still in process of writing the story and they all are doing work from home.
What will The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 storyline?
During an interview with a Hollywood reporter, the producer gave a brief insight into the series. “I see a world beyond [the current one]. I would watch an episode about the Nuremberg trials after Gilead falls. There are lots of worlds you think of… where everything has changed so much.” The producer also shared that drama to remain faithful to the original source material.
Who all can be seen in The Handmaid’s Tale season 4?
Till now there is no official announcement who will be back for season 4. The only confirmation is that Elisabeth Moss will return. For further clarification, the audience will have to wait for official announcements.