The Handmaid’s Tale is an American dystopian tragedy web series which is created by Bruce Miller. Its first three seasons left a remarkable impact on viewers’ minds, and it has received immense appreciation and positive response from the fans and the critics as well. Thus, the fans have been waiting for its fourth season with high anticipation. It is also rumored that streaming service Hulu will soon renew the Handmaid’s Tale Season 4.
As we know that The third season of this most amazing American web series ended with a high cliffhanger which left the audience in suspense and anxious not to miss The Handmaid’s Tale, season 4 at any cost.
Since the third season of this series has ended, the biggest question among the audience is, “What’s next for June?” After she has succeeded in rescuing the children and sending them to Canada, the leading star is facing a huge challenge, and we wonder what this will be! What can it bring?
Things might not look good for aunt Lydia or Serena!
Apart from that, we have also seen that there was something wrong with Serena Waterford as she faces severe charges of sexually assaulting June for a baby. In the third season finale, Serena was separated from her daughter and was under arrest with grave charges. How will she manage to rescue herself?
As of the Commander, actor Joseph Fiennes shared a bit about Fred’s fate by stating that he is still under arrest and could be an informer for the Government of Canada. Fans need to wait a while for season 4 to see this political thriller happen as the shooting has been withheld. Leading star Elisabeth Moss hardly had they started shooting when it stopped. Take a look at this teaser.