The Expendables is an upcoming American-thriller franchise that covers a number of films. It was written by and starring Sylvester Stallone and initially produced in late 2016 by David Callahan First.
With the success of The Expendables 3, it comes without a doubt that there will surely be another one of the franchise. True enough, The Expendables 4 full movie had been confirmed for release. Fans of the hit film rejoiced when they heard and so did we. For those who can’t wait for the fourth, instalment, read on for exciting news about the movie.
Expandable 4: Cast!
Due to differences among the cast, there were some hiccups in the making of The Expendables 4. In March 2017, due to differences over the screenplay, it was reported that Sylvester Stallone would not return for the fourth film. Following that, supporting actor Arnold Schwarzenegger has said that if Stallone isn’t in it, he won’t be part of the script.
Other cast members, Ji Chang-Wook and Tony Jaa have followed suit, saying that if Stallone is not a part of it, they would not return for a fourth film. The concerns were, however, fixed by the end of the year. Sylvester Stallone revealed on his social media in January 2018 that he would return to the franchise. In comparison, Randy Couture will be one of The Expendables 4.
Following the announcement by Vertices Cine in August 2020, it was also revealed that the fourth film will feature Jason Statham, Antonio Bandera’s, and Dolph Lundgren as well. As a producer, Patrick Hughes will return and the film will maintain it’s R-rating.
• Stallone’s Sylvester as Barney Ross
• Jason Statham as Lee Christmas
• Banderas Antonio as Galgo
• Characters Supporting:
• Hulk Hogan as TBA
• Robert de Niro as TBA
• John Cusack as TBA
• Pierce Brosnan as TBA
Expendable 4: Release date!
The film script is supposedly finished, but as of yet no official release date has been announced for The Expendables 4. After the spin-off film, The Expendables: A Christmas Tale, it is planned that the sequel will be released in 2021.
Expendable 4: Story!
Although it’s too early to even imagine what The Expendables 4’s plot could be, Terry Crews, who played Hale Caesar, is one actor who definitely won’t be returning for the sequel. Crews were distressed after accusing a Hollywood producer of sexual harassment after Expendables producer Avi Lerner attempted to convince the actor to drop his charges, and wanted to break ties with the producer, which meant pulling out of the franchise of The Expendables.
Whether Stallone is able to take whatever measures are needed to get Crews back into the fold, it’s uncertain. A distant blip on the horizon is still The Expendables 4. Audiences excited to catch up with Stallone will check out Rambo: Last Blood, which faces the daunting challenge of living up to the previous swan song of the legendary actor, the grandiose war epic of 2008, Rambo.