The Crown is a historical television drama series created by Peter Morgan and produced by Sony Pictures Television for Netflix. The series is based on the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. The first season of The Crown premiered on Netflix on 4 November 2016, and it was received positively by the critics and audience worldwide. The series has been praised for its brilliant cinematography, acting, direction, and writing the accurate history of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
The debut season was a huge success, and it followed the renewal for the second season, which was released on 8 December 2017. The ratings, writings, and engaging story of the second season of The Crown made way for the third installment, which came out on 17 November 2019.
Release Date of The Crown 4
With three successful seasons, The Crown is now ready with its fourth one, which is releasing very soon. To your surprise, we have an official release date and trailer of the fourth season, which is 15 November 2020.
Here is the trailer of the show!
Plot of The Crown Season 4
The story of the fourth season of The Crown is set during the premiership of Margaret Thatcher, and the highlight of the season is Lady Diana Spencer, and also will feature Prince William and Prince Harry. The major events depicted in the upcoming season are Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer’s wedding and separation, Michael Fagan’s break into the Buckingham Palace, and Diana’s 1989 flight on Concorde. It will be interesting to see how the season unfolds the historical events with its brilliant cinematography and direction.
Cast of The Crown Season 4
The major cast of The Crown Season 4 is as follows, Olivia Colman, Tobias Menzies, Helena Bonham Carter, Ben Daniels, Marion Bailey, Erin Doherty, Josh O’Connor, Emerald Fennel, Charles Dance, Gillian Anderson, Emma Corin, and few others. We might get to see some new faces which are not known yet.
If you’ve not watched The Crowns yet, then definitely you should! It’s available for streaming on Netflix.