The Blacklist is an American crime thriller television series that premiered on NBC on 23 September 2013. The series is created by Jon Bokenkamp, and it is executively produced by John Davis, John Fox, Joe Carnahan, and James Spader. The debut season of The Blacklist was a huge hit globally, and now the series has seven seasons in total because of the constant praises and positive reviews from the audience and critics worldwide.
Is there an eighth season of The Blacklist?
Yes! For all the fans of The Blacklist, an eighth season is on its way to your screen. On February 2020, NBC renewed the series for its eighth instalment.
Do we have a release date of The Blacklist Season 8?
Again, Yes! To your surprise, the official release date of the new and eighth season of The Blacklist has been announced by the creators. The series is all set to arrive on 13 November 2020 on NBC and Netflix.
Who will be in the cast of The Blacklist Season 8?
The ensemble cast of the eighth season of The Blacklist are as follows, James Spader, Megan Boone, Diego Klattenholf, Hisham Tawfiq, Harry Lennix, Amir Arison, Ryan Eggold, Mozhan Marno, Susan Blommerat, Clark Middleton, and few others.
What will be the story of The Blacklist 8?
The plotline of the eighth season is not known yet, but it is anticipated that the season 8 of The Blacklist will continue from the last episode of season 7 which saw Liz taking her daughter to school, and Katharina moves in the next door as her neighbour. It ended with the task enlisting Aram to find a blacklister who’s after wealthy people with deadly entertainment acts. It is certain that the eighth season of The Blacklist will be interesting, and fans are eager to see how the upcoming season will unfold the mysterious plot about this new blacklister.