The blacklist is a crime series written by Jon Bokenkamp and directed by Joe Carnahan. A story of a criminal who volunteered to surrender after managing to escape from their clutch. Willing to give a list of dangerous criminals list, exchange for his freedom. The series was initially released on 23 September 2013 on NBC network.
The series contains a total 7 series with 152 episodes. The seventh season of The Blacklist was aired from 4 October 2019 to 15 May 2020. This series got many positive critics from the viewers. Each episode was highly appreciated by the viewers for a nail-biting ending. And the final season gained a high rating. And now the fans are waiting for the eighth season. Will the series be renewed for season eight? Go further to get the updates on The Blacklist season 8.
Who will be in Blacklist season 8 ?
Main leads are expected to be returning to reprise their roles. That is, James Spader played as Raymond Reddington, the master criminal. Megan Boone played the role of Elizabeth Keen, special agent. Diego Eggold as Tom Keen, Elizabeth’s husband. Parminder Nagra played as Meera Malik, field agent. Harry Lennix played as Harold Cooper, assistant director. Amir Arison as Aram Mojtsbai, cyber expert. Mozhan Marno as Samar Navabi, Mossad agent. Hisham Tawfiq as Dembe Zuma, bodyguard. Laura Sohn as Alina Park, FBI agent.
What will happen in The blacklist season 8
The plot of the upcoming episode is not revealed yet. But we can expect it to be as interesting as the other episodes. In the final episode, we saw Liz was in a place where she had to take a critical judgment. And about the Forces investigating people to find the vicious brothers that are engaged for the criminal’s security.
When is The Blacklist season 8 premiere?
The final episode of The blacklist was released in May 2020. The NCB announced the confirmation about the renewal of The blacklist season eight on 20 February 2020 before the corona issue. The fans are eagerly waiting for the release of The blacklist season 8. The season eight is scheduled to be released on 13 November 2020 on NCB. And let’s hope the series gets aired without a delay due to the ongoing pandemic issue. Stayed tuned with us to get further updates on The blacklist season 8.