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As the dust storm on Mars abates, NASA awaits a call back

Imagine a multi-million dollar rover sent on the red planet for a 90-days mission and then, have a look at NASA’s Opportunity rover which outlasted its 90-days mission by almost 14 years now. Yes, the Opportunity rover has been operating for 14 years and has undergone several glitches and issues that were fixed by the …

As the dust storm on Mars abates, NASA awaits a call back Read More »

Curiosity finds an interesting 'foreign object' on the Martian surface

Curiosity finds an interesting ‘foreign object’ on the Martian surface

A false alarm went off recently when Mars Curiosity rover photographed an image of an odd, flat shaped object on the Martian surface on August 13. The object was named as Pettegrove Point Foreign Object Debris (PPFOD) as it was found at Pettegrove Point in Vera Rubin Ridge. When researchers had a close look, they …

Curiosity finds an interesting ‘foreign object’ on the Martian surface Read More »