Silent Hill is a horror media franchise centered on a series of survival horror video games. It has created by Keiichiro Toyama, developed and published by Konami. Various print pieces, two feature films, and spin-off video games have been added by the Silent Hill franchise. Set in the series’ eponymous fictional American town and influenced by the literary genre of psychological horror with its player character being mostly everymen.
Silent Hill games have been frightening players since 1999. There were even Silent Hill movie adaptations starting in 2006. Here has been no new entry in the video game series since 2012. Most of the Silent Hill titles were not exclusive to the play station system. As per sources Silent Hill Reboot “Project 0” is a PS5 Exclusive coming up next.
List Of all Silent Hill parts till now
- Silent Hill (1999)
- S H 2 (2001)
- Silent Hill 3 (2003)
- The Room (2004)
- Origins (2007)
- Homecoming (2008)
- Shattered Memories (2009)
- Downpour (2012)
Details S H Reboot Project 0 –
As per reports, it’s in the development stage. For the past few months, there has been news that Sony is rebooting the Silent Hill series for PS5. According to sources, the company brought the majority of the franchise from Konami with the intention to reboot. Project 0 is the code given to the game.
For two years the game has been developing stage. Sony’s Japan studio working alongside Masahiro Ito, and Toyama as creative director. This is a PS5 exclusive that has developed by a PlayStation Studios team.
If sources are to be believed then the “Project 0” PS5 reboot will release at the end of 2021 or early 2022. This reboot is not the same game from 2014. The creators are working on something new using veterans from the original game.
According to one of the creators twitter account “100% Silent Hill is coming back, that I can say with certainty (and have been since the start of this year). A Japanese-developed Silent Hill game started dev at the beginning of 2019 (a bit of planning & work done the end of 2018). The details of who is behind it I can’t”
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