Shameless is an American comedy-drama television series. The series is developed by John Wells. The series released in Showtime and the season was released in 2011. The series is liked by the audience and also appreciated by the critics. Now there is a piece of good news for the audience to cherish that season 11 will happen, but it will be the last season. The creators announced in January 2020.
Brief Details About Shameless Season 11
Initially, season 11 was planned for September 2020 release, but now due to COVID, everything is in halt. As per sources, filming couldn’t be rapped up. The production of the series will be an emotional one, as it is the end of the series. The dates have been pushed for future dates. Season 11 is expected to release in 2021, but nothing can be called as confirmed till the official dates are announced.
Season 11 will carry the same storyline. Ian struggles story and Terry against the question of survival. Not many details are available regarding the plot of the new season. Even the details of the cast are not revealed. Proper justice to the Gallagher family is what the audience is expecting from the last season.
Brief Background Of Shameless –
- Based On – Paul Abbotts’s British series of the same name.
- Filmed In – South Side Of Chicago and Los Angeles.
The series is the longest-running original script in Showtime history. The series shows a poor, dysfunctional family of Frank Gallagher. He is single handled raised six children. He mostly spends his days drinking or in searching for misadventures. Children learn to live by themselves.
Main Cast Of Shameless –
Kate Miner, William H. Macy, Christian Isaiah, Emmy Rossum, Richard Flood, Justin Chatwin, Isidora Goreshter, Ethan Cutkosky, Emily Bergl, Shanola Hampton, Jake McDorman, Steve Howey, Jake McDorman, Emma Kenney, Emma Greenwell, Jeremy Allen White, Zach McGowan, Cameron Monaghan, Laura Slade Wiggins, Noel Fisher, Joan Cusack