Portal 3 is the psychological horror game that fans are eagerly waiting for after the Half-life series. The question that dwells around now: Will it ever relaunch? The original Portal was released back in 2011 with a unique composition of gameplay, world-building, and vocal performance of Ellen Mclains.
Portal 2 elaborated the storyline, bringing up Stephen Merchant (logan) and Jk Simmons to the cast as lead faces. Although the sequel was badly criticized, Valve gained an extra advantage by the launch of portal 2 and made a level-playing ground as a game developer. They proceeded ahead with single-player titles to focus on the digital distribution platform steam instead.
There has been no confirmation of any portal 3 ever. There has been a complete wrap after portal 2 with a happy ending and a fulfilling conclusion. However, rumors indicate that the production team might be working undercover and will come up at the exact time with significant information. Some artifacts also confirm that the company has not abandoned the game completely.
As per reports indicate, the new series might consider fresh alterations like aesthetic changes, new mechanics, and other added features to make it more interesting and fascinating for the players. We are unaware of what production house is up to and what awaits in the store for the game lovers. There has been no teaser trailer update till now.
Once during Bethesda’s Quakecon home event, the project head for Portal, Jeff confirmed that mod support will be added to the game for its higher duration and life span. Portal is already very much known for its clever tricks and puzzles and therefore, Mod like ERROR, if added, will make the fans go crazy. The game might go up to a different level altogether.
However, sources say romance based Mod is not likely to be added this time due to some major technical issues, which can take even more longer. All we can expect is there will be enough room for gamers to try something new and fresh with this new version.
While on the other hand, rumors say that valve might not have the resources to build the necessary platform that the fans are expecting as of now. Thus, anymore season of the game can be a failure to entertain gamers.
Listening to the two sides of the story, there is no specific update for portal 3. Fans have nothing but wait longer.