Pokèmon Go is an augmented reality mobile game developed and published by Niantic. It was released in the year 2016, and ever since then it’s a huge hit among the players. The game uses a mobile’s GPS to locate, captire, or train the Pokèmons which appear as if they are for real. It was launched with around 200 Pokèmon characters, and increased by 600 in the year 2019. Pokèmon Go is free to play on mobile, and supports in-app purchases for various additional features available in the game.
Pokèmon Go introduces new characters and features in the latest game of Generation 6. The total number of characters that Gen 6 will include is 72 which is by far the lowest number of character in the Generation of Pokèmon Go Games. Gen 2 had around 100 new Pokèmons, Gen 3 introduced 130 whereas Gen 4 provided the players with 107, and Gen 5 stood with the highest number of new Pokèmon characters 156.
Also Read: Pokemon Go, Which is the strong Pokemon to win the game?
About Pokèmon Go Gen 6
It is originated from Kalos region, and have around 72 new Pokèmon characters which include a collection of new traditional starter Pokèmon and Klefki. It introduces the fairy-type Pokèmon with no electric-type Pokèmon, and will include one of the best, unique, and elaborate method of Nintendo 3DS in the whole Pokèmon Go Series. The theme of the Gen 6 will revolve around beauty, balance, and harmony.
Is Pokémon Go Gen 6 out?
The game as of now is not released. The developers have’t officially announced anything about the arrival of Gen 6. If they follow the protocol of the last Gens released date then by October or most probably November 2020, Pokèmon Go Gen 6 will be available for the players to find new characters and enjoy the interesting ride.
New Characters in Pokémon Go Generation 6
The list of characters in the game of Pokèmon Go Gen 6 are as follows,
Chespin, Quilladin, Chesnaught, Finnikin, Braixen, Delphox, Froakie, Frogadier, Greninja, Bunnelby, Diggersby, Hoopa, Diance, Volcanion, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Avalug, Noibat, Pumpkaboo, and few others.
Are you excited to catch new Pokèmon characters?