The renowned rapper Kanye West shared a picture with Tesla CEO Elon Musk on his Twitter account on Wednesday. As soon as the picture was uploaded by the rapper, it created a chatter on the micro-blogging site for a very different reason. And within no time, the rapper’s social media account got flooded with several likes and comments as the third person was noticed by many in the uploaded picture.
The Mercy singer shared the picture with his friend with the caption, which read, “When you go to your boy’s house, and you’re both wearing orange”, and then the rapper ended his captions with the tangerine emoji.
When you go to your boys house and you’re both wearing orange 🍊
— ye (@kanyewest) July 1, 2020
The technocrat Musk is seen sporting a completely black attire, while the rapper West is seen wearing a beige-coloured printed shirt with black pants and an orange-hued jacket.
Despite showing the strongest bond between the duo, the image also generated waves online and quickly collected more than 7.6 lakh likes, and the numbers are increased in speed.
Apart from that, this post has also garnered more than 1.2 lakh retweets in a very short span of time. Besides that, many fans have commented on this post and complimented the duo for their outstanding look. However, many noticed the reflection of a third person in the posted image. Well if you haven’t seen it then here is what you need to know. The third person in the image is Grimes a Canadian singer and Elon Musk’s girlfriend whose seen in the glass case behind the duo posing.
Well, people had fun making this little discovery and posted a ton of comments to express the same thing. Other comments were also dropped on the post to express their reactions to the image: A Twitter user commented, “Two billionaires.” To which, another user replied that “Three. Grimes is taking the picture, and you can see her reflection”.