\Our Planet is a nature documentary series created for Netflix. The series is voiced by David Attenborough and produced by Silverback Films. It is led by Alastair Fothergill and Keith Scholey, who also created BBC documentary series Planet Earth, Frozen Planet, and The Blue Planet, in collaboration with the conservation charity World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
The series is truly breathtaking. It showcases some of the most beautiful places and animals on God’s green Earth. While also highlighting the effects of climate change on the planet and its inhabitants. It is truly eye-opening and makes one who’s watched it think twice before doing any harm to nature.
For the first season, the crew traveled around the world to places such as the frozen Tundras of the Antarctic, the Dense Jungles of Africa, and the Plains of the Savannah. It took six years of dedication and hard work to produce Our Planet, which premiered on Netflix in 2019.
With fans wondering if a second season will ever release or not, here’s what we know of the matter so far.
Will There be an Our Planet Season 2?
Netflix hasn’t officially renewed Our Planet for a second season. However, the streaming giant usually renews popular shows more often than not, especially ones as popular as Our Planet.
Considering the time it took to make the first season, even if a second season is announced, it may be quite a while before it is released. David Attenborough, who is currently 94 years of age, must also be willing to commit to such a project for it to go through.
Furthermore, Silverback Films might have planned other documentaries ahead. It plans to roll out before even considering making another Our Planet season.
All these factors only tell us that it will be quite some time before Our Planet returns to our screens again, which is funny because we exist on that planet.
Fan Responses
Here are some tweets that show just how much fans liked the first season:
Our Planet—Netflix’s answer to Planet Earth—is a big-budget wildlife documentary that *finally* forces viewers to acknowledge their complicity in the decline of nature, *throughout* each episode. It’s a hugely important shift. https://t.co/2NEnggdEYs
— Ed Yong (@edyong209) April 1, 2019
What it feels like watching OUR PLANET
Show: Look at this amazing creature, and the amazing surroundings planet earth has made.
Me: Omg it so beautiful.
Show: It will be gone in 20 years if we don't do something.
Me: Nooooooo#ourplanet #netflix
— Mirel D. (@David99361372) April 5, 2019
Hey @netflix, let’s get some more animal shows! Where’s season 2 of Our Planet? I need more @daveatten and that soothing voice teaching me and my kids about beautiful and exotic things! Like Manatees! #Loafy #Manatees #OurPlanet
— Little Beef Idiot (@LittleBeefIdiot) September 9, 2020
Where to Watch It
Our Planet is available to stream on Netflix globally.