After two successful seasons, the show finally made into the upper echelons of English sci-fi series. Although the return of the show was postponed due to the present scenario, the creators have confirmed that they are aiming for a late 2020 return.
Seth MacFarlane, the show’s creator and also scriptwriter of popular TV show Family Guy even suggested that the new season would even classify the show as “its own animal.”. Couple that with the transition of the show from FOX to Hulu, the third season seems all set to blow our minds!
The US based show that first aired on 10th September 2017, came out loosely as a star trek based show with an added touch of humor. The originally English show was distributed by Disney. And it eventually made a name for itself in the show’s growing fan base and is set to release its latest season.
Season 3 Plot
The story is set 400 years in the future and is based around the adventures of the USS Orville. This was designed for long-distance exploration. The ship is led by captain Ed Mercer who is played by Seth McFarlane. But unfortunately for him, his ex-wife Kelly is appointed as his first officer. The story revolves around the duo along with the rest of their crew dealing with various issues from across the galaxy.
Orville fans were surprised in season 2 when Alara Kitan chose to stay on her home planet of Xelayan with her famil. She was replaced with Talla Keyali which didn’t offer much relief to the fans. So, it’ll be interesting to see how season 3 makes changes to continue the story without the bravery and good nature of Alara.
Season 3 Cast and characters
Seth MacFarlane, who’s also the show’s creator, will return as Captain Ed Mercer. Adrianne Palicki will be back in her role as Commander Kelly Grayson. Also returning is Penny Johnson Jerald as medical officer Claire Finn and Scott Grimes as helmsman Gordon Malloy.
Season 3:
With the new season expected to have longer and more episodes than its previous seasons, this is certainly a season that will be worth the wait. Co-producer and editor Tom Costantino said to Trekzone, “There will be a continuation of things we care about, characters we care about.” Which sounds very promising and with the plot focusing on developing the more dramatic plots and less on jokes, the story looks like its about to enter a league of its own and stop being referred to as just a star trek inspired show.