One Piece is an adventurous fantasy animated manga series created by Eiichiro Oda originally for Fuji TV. The series is produced by Toei Animation and was released in October 1999. One Piece has been running for 20 years with over 900 episodes and 20 seasons, it has been exported to various countries and dubbed in their language. It is one of the top most popular animated manga series. The ratings of One Piece is highly appealing. In the year 2016, Business Insider reported that One Piece on an international online platform got 1.9 million viewers per month.
Storyline of One Piece
The story of One Piece follows the adventure of the character names, Monkey D. Luffy, a boy whose body is suddenly gained the properties of rubber after eating a Devil Fruit. With his crew, Luffy explores the Grand Line in the search of the Treasure is known as “One Piece“, in order for him to become the next pirate king.
The fandom of One Piece keeps expanding now and then. If you’re one of those who are delighted with the plot of the manga series, One Piece and looking for where to stream the series? Worry not. We got it covered for you.
Where can we watch One Piece?
The renowned global streaming platform, Netflix has four seasons out of twenty of One Piece. The first four seasons are available for the viewers to binge-watch the adventurous journey of Monkey D. Luffy of One Piece.
Besides Netflix, the first two seasons of One Piece are available on Hulu, and the anime streaming website namely, Funimation has three seasons of the manga series.
Amazon Prime Video has also many seasons available to stream online and purchase full seasons of One Piece starting at the price of $14.99.
It is known that the creator, Oda of the animated manga series, One Piece, has decided to end the epic manga series within the time span of five years. Fans still have time to binge-watch the series, and the newcomers in the fandom of One Piece can definitely have the time of their life watching the series on the online streaming services available.