Apart from where the world is in standstill mode, festivities and gatherings have taken back seats, still, that hasn’t prevented us from showering wishes via social media. Likewise, Mother’s Day was celebrated on 10th MAY amid lockdown. Most of the children expressed their feelings, care, and emotions and showed love for their mother via sharing some special messages, pictures, and videos and wished Mothers’ Day in their own way.
On this very special day, all the social media sites were flooded with beautiful Mothers’ Day wishes and touching posts and amazing video for their adored mothers.
Every mother is celebrated on this auspicious day in their own way, whether it is a celebrity or a common person. The most famous singer Nick Jonas also celebrated this special day by sharing the most beautiful video of his mother Denise Jonas and his mother-in-law, Madhu Chopra, with the heart touching caption. In this video, both moms were seen dancing with the dance mannequins.
A renowned member of the band, one of the Jonas Brothers, shared the endearing video of his moms with the caption. “Flashback on this Mother’s Day to my mother @mamadjonas and my mother in law @chopramm2001 getting their groove on. Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible mothers out there. Stay safe and healthy! Sending you all the love.”
Apart from this, Nick Jonas also shared another post on his Instagram profile from his and Global star Priyanka Chopra’s wedding day and wrote that “So grateful to have such an incredible mother and now mother in law. #happymothersday.”
Besides that, on this special day, the most famous Jonas brothers also posted a most adorable and cute picture from the childhood albums with their mom on the band’s official Instagram “Jonas brothers” to wish their mom a pleased Mothers Day. The photos as posted by the Jonas brothers were of a vacation with their parents when they were small.
The most famous Bollywood and Hollywood actress, Priyanka Chopra, also shared many posts on Mothers’ day. She posted a beautiful collage of her childhood snaps with her mom, mother-in-law, and all the other motherly figures of her house and captioned “Happy Mother’s Day to all the maternal figures around the world. Today, we celebrate you. Love you, Mom @madhuchopra @DeniseJonas,” she wrote in the caption.
Meanwhile, the celebrity couple is quarantining and keeping up with the conditions. Priyanka has also taken up the various initiative to help people around the and to spread awareness.