Newly married couple Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra have added another member to their family as they have rescued a dog. The couple saved the young puppy from neglect, abuse, and high-kill shelters in California.
Priyanka Chopra shared a picture of her and her husband, Nick, with all their dogs. Here’s the Instagram post:
Her post reads,” Our new family portrait! Welcome to the family, Panda! We adopted this little rescue (soon he won’t be so little) just a few weeks ago. We can’t be sure, but he seems to be a Husky Australian Shepard mix…. and those eyes… and the ears!!!
She also added,” BTW @diariesofdiana wasn’t around for our little photo shoot, but we couldn’t leave our #1 girl out…so…we made it work! 😂 😉
Means at the time of photoshoot their First dog Diana was not around, but they decided to add her using photoshop in the snapshot.
Similarly, her husband also shared a set of photos on his Instagram page. Here’s the one of those:
Nick captioned in his Story,” Welcome to the family, Panda! Panda is a Husky Australian Shepherd mix rescue, and we’re already in love. ❤️”
Beyond this, the couple is also parenting two dogs.
One is Nick Jonas’ German Shepherd, and the other one is Chopra’s dog named Diana, a Cocker Spaniel.
Last November, Priyanka Chopra surprised her husband Nick Jonas with German Shepherd by gifting him on their anniversary and caught his reaction on camera.
In the above video, Chopra films herself waking up her husband, moving him awake, and saying “good morning” before pulling up Gino to plop him onto the bed.
Moreover, Priyanka Chopra adopted Diana four months ago. The actress explained that she loved the way Diana kept playing in her arms when she met her for the first time, thus shaping a deep bond.