Vikings is a historical drama television series that is on Amazon Prime Video. This series is based on Norse and Anglo-Saxon history, which was created and written by Michal Hirst. It is expected that Part B of Vikings Season 6 will be released by the end of 2020. A new trailer has been dropped amid the virtual 2020 Comic-Con, and here we are providing every single detail about Vikings Season 6 Part Two.
Release date of Episode 11 of Vikings Season 6
Reportedly, some more episodes of this historical drama series will be out soon. It was confirmed earlier that they would be released in 2020.
There are some reports which suggest that Vikings Season 6 will have another ten episodes, bringing the total to 20 episodes.
Unfortunately, fans will have to wait quite long for episode 11 to air on History TV and Amazon Prime. However, it is suggested by IMDb that the series is picking up again before the year ends.
The trailer of the new season’s episode 11 has been dropped and we can see that Prince Oleg, which is played by Danila Kozlovsky is taking part in a religious ritual.
Besides that, the trailer has been creating a buzz among the audience, as it is shown in the trailer that Bjorn (Alexander Ludwig), who was presumed dead is riding in on a horse to face a huge army.
No episodes in the second half of the Vikings series have been named yet.
Reportedly, Fans of the Vikings series can witness the second half of the series on Amazon Prime in the UK too.
Season five of the series aired in a span of two years and in two halves with the first half being released in November 2017 and the second half airing not before November of the following year.
Vikings was first premiered in 2013 on History TV18 in Canada and America.
Since then, the show has attracted millions of fans around the world, and the stars have been delighted by its popularity.
The show revolves around real-life Vikings and references Norse mythology and traditions.
Since the final episode has ended, fans of this historical drama series are looking forward to its return.