New Girl is an American television sitcom created by Elizabeth Meriwether for the channel Fox and produced by 20th Century Fox Production. The series combines all the elements of comedy and drama as the characters who are in their early thirties deal with love, life, relationships, and career. The first season of New Girl premiered on Fox on 20 September 2011, and it received a positive response from the critics and audience from worldwide. The series was named as one of the best new comedies in the fall of the year 2011. New Girl has been nominated for various awards, including Golden Globe Awards and Primetime Emmy Awards.
Storyline of New Girl
The major storyline of the series, New Girl, revolves around a quirky teacher, Jessica played by Zooey Deschanel, after she moves to Los Angeles with three men as her roommates, namely, Nick, played by Jake Johnson, Schmidt, played by Max Greenfield, and Winston played by Lamorne Morris.
The series is still quite popular among the fans, even after nine years of its debut for its witty storyline and excellent chemistry between the main cast. In total, New Girl has seven seasons. On 14 May 2017, Fox renewed the series for its seventh season, which aired from 10 April 2018 to 15 May 2018. It is known that the seventh season was the finale of New Girl.
Will there be an eighth season?
The final season of New Girl was short, consisting of only 8 episodes. The sixth season of the series didn’t receive a good rating, and it was initially decided to be the last season of the series, but the ending was not satisfactory. So to give a deserving end of the characters of New Girl, a seventh season was released with bringing some old cast members for a nostalgia trip for the fans. The ending of New Girl was extremely delightful; fans even got a glimpse of the future of the characters, which showed they’ll be close friends forever and will forever stick to that dorky behavior that the audience loved watching for seven years.
There will be no season 8 of New Girl, unfortunately.