The Dragon Prince is the most thrilling fantasy computer-animated web television series. The series created by Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond for Netflix. Wonderstorm produced the series and animated by Bardel Entertainment. September 2018, season 1 premiered, season 2 in February 2019, and season 3 in November 2019. In July 2020, as per reports, the series was renewed for four more seasons.
Brief Details Of The Dragon Prince Season 4-
As per sources season, four was supposed to release in the month of May 2020, but as of now, the release got delayed. Due to COVID, production is at a halt. No official announcements have been made regarding the new date of release. The new season will also be produced by Bardel Entertainment and Wonderstorm.
Jack DeSena will return to lend her voice for Callum. Sasha Rojen will return to lend a voice for Ezran. Paula Burrows will return to lend for Rayla. Erik Dellums, Jesse Inocalla, Jason Simpson, and Racquel Belmonte will also lend their voice for as Aaravos, Soren, Viren, and Claudia, respectively.
The new season will resume the epic battle, all along with a Viren. It will again revolve around Xadia. The recounted world segment of magic will be there.
Brief Background Of The Dragon Prince –
The series revolves around the continent of Xadia. The continent is rich in magic derived from six primal elements: the Sun, Moon, Stars, Earth, Sky, and Ocean. Centuries ago, humans, dragons, and eves of this continent lived in peace. Humans were not able to utilize magic naturally. As a result, they began to use black magic. This is fueled by the life essence of magical creatures. As a result of this, humans were driven towards the west, and a massive river of lava split the continent into two.
Main Characters Of The Dragon Prince –
Callum, Rayla, Ezran, Viren, Claudia, Soren, King Harrow of Katolis, Queen Sarai of Katolis, General Amaya, Commander Gren, Corvus, Ellis, Opeli, Queen Aanya, Captain Villads, Prince Kasef of Neolandia, Saleer, Barius, Crow Master, Ziard, Aaravos, Runaan, Ethari, Lujanne, Janai, Nyx, Ibis, Lain and Tiadrin, Azymondias, Bait, Avizandum, Zubeia, Sol Regem, Ava, Pip, Phoe-Phoe, Berto, Pyrrah