After the successful airing of the previous seasons, The manga series’ “My Hero Academia Season 5” has been renewed and officially confirmed. It is a superhero-fantasy series that has a huge fan base worldwide.
The renewal of season 5 was confirmed in April 2020. However, we don’t have an official date of release but is expected to announce soon. Here is the twitter post confirming the season 5 renewal on “My Hero Academia “Hiroaka” Anime official twitter handle;
『僕のヒーローアカデミア』TVアニメ第5期 制作決定!
→ヒロアカ #heroaca_a— 僕のヒーローアカデミア "ヒロアカ"アニメ公式 (@heroaca_anime) April 4, 2020
The above post reads:
[Hiroaka 5th period is coming! ]
“My Hero Academia” TV animation 5th production decision!
The new visual is also open!!
Release delayed
After the fourth season airing ended in April 2020, the fifth season has been confirmed. But the release of season five is delayed. Delay is due to the adverse condition prevailing due to COVID-19 pandemic.
That’s why all the industries facing delays in release of their new show or any seasons.
Most probably we can expect the season release in early 2021.
Plot of the season
We do not have official plot or synopsis for Season 5. However, we can tell you that,
Deku will get the black whip and Fumikage with his black fallen angel that gives him the power of flying.
We will also reappearance of Hiltori sims from the Sports arc, Hiltori is one of the most compelling underdogs that the rival Deku has.
Cast of the season
Hre is the list of the expected cast in “My Hero Academia Season 5”:
- Izuku Midoriya
- Ochako Uraraka
- Katsuki Bakugou
- Shigaraki Tomura
- Shouto Todoroki
- Momo Yaoyorozu
- Tsuyu Asui
- Tenya Ida
Show makers have not revealed regarding who is staying in or who is going out in the show. But these are the prominent roles which going to remain to entertain all viewers.
That’s all for “My Hero Academia Season 5”. We hope that this news will be useful for you Stay tuned with us to get latest updates regarding the anime series. Till then stay healthy.