MTV Love School is reality television that has received considerable attention from its viewers. The show brings in some drama and the exciting events of a relationship occurring between “real life” couples. The show received positive feedbacks and has increased its viewership as it continued. MTV Love School first aired on 5 December 2015. Vishal Mull is the creator of the show. The presenters of the show were initially Upen Patel and Karishma Tanna and later became Karan Kundra and Anusha Dandekar. The show finished 4 seasons with 87 episodes in total.
However, the fans want to know whether a season 5 is coming up. Good news for them as the team officially announced a season 5. The new season was supposed to air this year but till now we haven’t got anything and so we can expect it to air by early 2021. The delay in the new season is also due to the pandemic which causes a restriction in the production matters.
What is the show about?
MTV Love School is a reality show that brings together real-life couples to compete with each other. The show brings into the light the issues faced by them and how they deal with it. In the end, it is determined who is the strongest couple among them. The show sometimes puts you on the edge of your seat. Moreover, it gives its viewers the romanticised dramas and incidents between couples. The contestants get eliminated and the final couples who are considered to withstand all problems and obstacles are considered winners. The new season is also likely to follow a similar pattern. The auditions have begun and so we can expect the show to air soon.
Also Read: When will Anusha and Karan return with Love School season 5?
Other updates on MTV Love School
MTV Love School was supposed to air this year but like many shows, the production plans were disrupted by the corona. However, MTV Love School season 5 will air next year and hopefully in the first few months. The fans can meet the new cast and their exciting incidents.
The cast of the show is not the same and keeps changing in every season. The auditions have begun and the criteria are that contestants should be of age 18 to 25. Moreover, their fitness is also equally important and should also be Indian. The hosts are expected to be the same which are Karan Kundra and Anushka Dandekar.